Sharon Lovejoy
Sharon Lovejoy is a natural born story teller and an award winning author and illustrator. Her works, in fiction and creative non-fiction (literary journalism), include ten books ranging from children's picture books to adult and children's organic gardening books, magazine articles about nature and gardening, and most recently a historic middle grade novel.
As a graduate with Distinction in the Field of Art from San Diego State University, Sharon successfully combined her training in art with her love of botany and natural science. She worked as a docent naturalist for the Morro Bay Museum of Natural History and for the Smithsonian Institution in the lagoons of Baja, California.
Sharon has been a guest on Today on NBC, The Victory Garden on PBS, numerous shows on HGTV and The Discovery Channel, and various regional network and cable TV and radio programs around the country including NPR.
For 13 years, she was a contributing editor for Country Living Gardener magazine with a regular feature column named "Heart's Ease" after the herb and garden shop she founded in Cambria in 1982. Her column was distributed by The New York Times Syndicate to member newspapers throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Her homes in California and Maine have appeared in several books and magazines in the U.S., Great Britain, and Japan.
She currently is working on three books and on various magazine articles. Sharon lives with her husband Jeff Prostovich in San Luis Obispo and at her seasonal home on a Maine island.