Sharon Lovejoy
  1. Educational Resources for Educators, Master Gardeners, Homeschool Parents,

  2. and any adult who works with children.

I often receive inquiries asking for help to start a children's gardening program. This page and the Organizations page list sources for information I've collected.

I've included handouts from my workshops which you are welcome to use without charge for any non-profit organization or institution. For all other uses, please contact me or the author as indicated for reprint permission.

Important Links

Don’t reinvent the wheel. Start here first if you are interested in garden based curriculum, environmental education, or just common sense living or gardening practices.

Interview on Public Radio International

"To the Best of Our Knowledge"

Show Title: "Growing Green"

Guests: Sharon Lovejoy about gardening with children, Jamaica Kincaid on her garden, Michael Pollan on the American lawn, Brenda Patterson on her new anthology of women's writing about the green world, and Anne Spirn on Frederich Law Ohlmstead's genius in designing The Fens in Boston.

Show Number: 48B

To order: Call Wisconsin Public Radio at (800) 747-7444

Cost: $12.00

Recycle "Useless" Items into "New" Garden Tools

Click here for reprint with permission and courtesy of

Yvonne Savio

Common Ground Garden Program Manager

Gardening Education Coordinator

Master Gardener Program Coordinator

University of California

Cooperative Extension

Los Angeles County

Lecture Transcription

Click here for an edited transcription of the taped presentation by Sharon Lovejoy at Education in Blossom Symposium, co-sponsored by State University of New York at Cortland and Cornell University in Cortland on July 30 and 31, 1997.


by Sharon Lovejoy

Bat Gardening

Birds, Bees, Bats, and Butterflies
A Welcome to My Garden

Bluebirds and Purple Martins


Making Papers from the Garden

A Miracle Place
Creating the Heart's Ease Gardens

Red Worms in the Garden

Return of the Natives


Great booklets on caterpillars courtesy of our government. Specify Western or Eastern U.S.

The address for caterpillar booklets is:

Lisa Cress

USDA Forest Service

180 Canfield St

Morgantown, WV 26505

We are thankful to Dr. Ph. Martin's for donating paint products for Sharon's use for televison demonstrations. For a complete list of their products, please visit their website at or contact them via e-mail at or (800) 843-8293.